New Info for Fall...

Dear Parents and Students:

I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer! Time flies, and school will start soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer and get ready for another successful year!

Fall Registration will start on July 15th (Monday) and last until classes are full. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

I will be on my vocation between July 19th (Fri.) and July 31 (Wed.).  

Please register by texting my cell phone at 1-559-288-6247 or email me:

Registration Fee: $25 per student. This fee includes costs of books and other materials.

Lessons/Hourly Rate/Monthly Rate

Group (4 Students)$31.00/hr $99.00/mo

Semi-Private $34.00/hr $119.00/mo

Private $39.00/hr $155.00/mo